Our STUDIO rules

We know we “rule” in the sense of being really awesome, but we also need to have RULES so that folks know what they can and can’t do in our space. While we value and encourage creative expression, we’ve created some guidelines to keep our studio safe and accessible for all.

  • Our space is first and foremost a photography rental studio which means we offer space rental based on appointment only. If you are in need of photographic services (note we do not do passport photos) please contact us cdpstudiosmb@gmail.com

  • No we do not offer passport photos. The closest location is Staples in Selkirk.

  • We decided to do something completely radical; NOT ask you for a damage deposit upon renting our space. We’re small town people and believe in the honor system as well as honest conversations when we do something wrong. Should something happen during your rental time please reach out to us ASAP so we can assess the situation immediately and decide together what the best course of action is. You may be asked to financially aid in repairing the damage depending on the severity.

  • Due to the fact that our bookings are scheduled back to back we require to do all of your clean up within the time you booked in the studio. At the last 10 minutes of your booking we give a warning knock and then at the 5 minute mark we’re in to help you organize in preparation for the next renter. Please schedule your time slot accordingly.

  • To keep our studio as clean as possible between appointments we request that no outdoor shoes be worn during the winter and on wet days. There is a shoe rack outside the entrance, please place your outdoor shoes on it. Please advise your clients of this policy as well so they can bring clean shoes. For wedding parties, please ensure your footwear is clean before entering.

  • We are pet people and we know a lot of you are pet people too. Our studio IS pet friendly however please keep your pet leashed or in a crate at all times when not being photographed. Any damage incurred during your rental time will result in you financially aiding us to repair said damage.

  • We know that a good play list can make or break a session so we have provided a wireless speaker for you to stream your favorite music on. However please keep the volume at a level where you can still have a normal conversation. The studio does echo a lot and we have really great neighbors who though they love music, also conduct super important business for our community’s families and we don’t want to interrupt that.

  • We understand that long days will happen in our space so when it comes to trying out our local eats (and there are MANY), please keep all food and beverages to the back of the studio near the hair & makeup counter. CAKE SMASHES: Cake smashes may only be done on the seamless backdrop paper or your own backdrop away from the furniture. Please do not use our furniture for these sessions. A cleaning fee will be charged if a mess is left.

  • Alcohol is not permitted on the premises. This includes anything consumed during portrait sessions and wedding group photos.

  • Smoking, vaping, and any drug consumption is not permitted on the premises. If you would like to use a smoke machine please contact us first. No smoke bombs are allowed on the premises.

  • Fresh self tanner is not permitted in the building. We encourage you to advise your clients (like boudoir or bodybuilding for example) to have at least one rinse in before coming for their session. A cleaning fee will be charged if any of the bedding, furniture, or toilets are stained. BODYBUILDERS: For usage of the studio related to bodybuilding photoshoots exemptions will be made HOWEVER all guests are required to be clothed at all times and must clean any mess in the bathrooms. A cleaning fee will be charged if there are butt cheek marks on the toilet seats. Just sayin….

  • Glitter in any form (loose or on clothing and props) is not permitted in the studio. Sequins are fine as long as there is no glitter on the garment. Paper confetti is allowed as long as you can sweep/vacuum it up. Both a broom and vacuum are provided in the studio, any confetti must be cleaned up before you leave.

  • While we have prop candles on the studio under no circumstance should you light them or any of your own candles. Open flames are not permitted in the studio however if you have battery operated candles feel free to bring those

  • We do not permit the creation of any Adult/Pornographic content within our studio (this includes Erotica portrait sessions). Classic boudoir sessions and fine art nude photography are acceptable however please make sure your client is clothed when using the washroom.

  • YES! We have provided some pretty cool furniture pieces on our studio and can not wait to see what you create with them. Feel free to adjust sets as you see fit. However when moving the sofas please get someone to help you lift them, do not drag them along the floor. The pressure of dragging the furniture is a lot for the legs. We also ask that you put things back as you found them when you’re finished.

  • Our policy is “Leave it as you found it.” When rearranging our sets for your creativity, please put items back as you found them so the next booking can start with a fresh palette. This also includes any garbage or food containers. Please clean up after yourselves.

Important Information

  • Our online booking form is the fastest and easiest way for you to book your studio time. Head to our Booking page to utilize that feature.

    If you have a special inquiry please contact cdpstudiosmb@gmail.com.

  • You will receive a door entry code closer to your booking which will allow you entry in to the studio for your rental time. Please note the door closes and locks automatically so you will need to have someone tend to the door if you have multiple clients in a day. When you leave, simply close the door and it will lock.

  • Once booking is confirmed, there are no refunds. To reschedule or cancel an existing booking, you will receive full store credit by cancelling or rescheduling more than 24 hours from your booking time. Store credit is valid for one year from the original booking time. You are fully responsible for the full value when cancelling or rescheduling within 24 hours.

  • There is free, 2 hour parking on the street. Should you have an all day booking please contact us parking alternatives.

  • This Rental Studio Agreement is between CDP Studios (The Studio) and the renters (the Customer), subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth on appendix A.

    The Studio and the Customer agree to act reasonably and in good faith in the carrying out of the terms of this Agreement, and all rules and policies are observed and followed.

    Cancellation and fees (Updated): Effective January 1, 2023, once booking is confirmed, there are no refunds. To reschedule you will receive full store credit by cancelling or rescheduling more than 24 hours from your booking time. Store credit is valid for one year from the original booking time. You are fully responsible for the full value when cancelling or rescheduling within 24 hours.

    Term: The term of this agreement (the “Term”) shall be for a period beginning on the earliest of the Selected Dates and times and ending on the latest of the selected Dates and Times. The Customer will vacate the Premises, returning it to the Studio free of alterations, fixtures, furnishings or any other property of or under the control of the Customer at the expiry or earlier termination of the Term.

    Reschedule: To reschedule an existing booking, please contact us at cdpstudiosmb@gmail.com. Studio booking fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

    Good Manner: The Customer will conduct themselves in a business-like manner; proper attire will be worn at all times. The noise level will be kept to a level so as not to interfere with or annoy other customers.

    Smoking or Liquor in any form is prohibited in and on the Premises. No lit candles or open flames of any kind are permitted in the Premises.

    Responsibilities for Damages: The Customer shall be responsible for all damage or loss caused to the Premises and Facilities, and its furnishings and fixtures except for reasonable wear and tear and the Customer shall pay for all repairs and replacement thereof during the Term and upon the termination of this Agreement. The Customer will also be liable for any lost Rental Space times should the Rental Space not be in a usable condition. The Customer shall be responsible for insuring its own property located on the Premises and Facilities. Damage to backdrops is subject to a $5/ft fee. A $40-$120 cleaning fee may be added if the Studio is left unfit for the next Customer and it is subject to however a professional cleaning company would charge.

    Damage Deposit: the Customer will not be asked for a damage deposit upon booking however they will be financially responsible for any damage during their booking. The Customer agrees to pay reasonable additional repair costs to bring damaged back to rentable condition. The Customer agrees to pay for damage to the premises including but not limited to spills, excessive wear, marks or stains on furniture, fixtures or painted surfaces. Refund of damage deposit is processed at the end of the session.

    No Alteration: The Customer shall not make any alterations to the Premises without the prior written consent of CDP Studios. The Customer will not affix anything to the walls of the office Premises without the prior written consent of CDP Studios. No advertisement or identifying signs or other notices shall be inscribed, painted or affixed on any part of building. The Customer shall not remove furniture, fixtures or decorative material from the Premises and Facilities without written consent of CDP Studios.

    Equipment Usage: The Customer shall not, without CDP Studios' written consent, operate large business machines or reproduction equipment, or conduct a mechanical business thereof, do any cooking thereon, or use or allow to be used on the premises oil, burning fluids, gasoline, kerosene for heating, warming or lighting. If the Customer requires any special wiring for business machines or otherwise, such wiring shall be done by an electrician designated by CDP Studios. The electrical current shall be used for ordinary lighting and for computer purposes only unless written permission to do otherwise shall first have been obtained by CDP Studios at an agreed cost to the Customer.

    Animals: Animals are welcome in CDP Studios however they must be leashed attended to at all times when not being photographed. Any damage incurred during The Customer's rental time will be The Customer's responsibility as described in the Damage Deposit section.

    Extreme Weather: If the renters are unable to be present at booking because of extreme weather condition per Environment Canada such as snow storm, rain storm or other mother nature, CDP Studios may accommodate by granting reschedule or issuing refund as the Studio sees fit.

    Rights Reserved: CDP Studios reserves the right to make such other reasonable rules and regulations as in its judgement may from time to time be needed for the safety, care and cleanliness of the offices.

  • *Event Booking: Wedding ceremony, workshop, classes, or any form of group gathering other than ordinary photography sessions are deemed as event booking. Customers need to contact Studio Staff prior to booking for clarification as event booking rates vary.

    Amendment: This Agreement may be amended or modified in whole or in part, as the parties desire, but no amendment or modification shall come into effect before it has been acknowledged by a written agreement signed by the parties and duly attached hereto.

    Cost for Additional Hours: The stay can be extended based on availability. Each additional hour within normal business hours (9am-9pm) will be billed at a regular rate. Hourly rate after 9pm is an additional $100 per hour.

    Complimentary Items: Items including furniture, seamless backdrops, and lightings provided by CDP Studios are free of charge.

    Customer’s contents: Any Customer’s belongings are solely at the Customer’s own risk. The Studio is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any physical damages or theft of Customer’s properties.

    Delivery and Pickup: All rental delivery and pick up must be within the rental period specified in the Contract, unless otherwise arranged with The Studio. The Studio is not responsible for receiving and/or signing for rental and delivered items. Any equipment (speakers, podiums, tables, etc.), that is the property of the Customer and is approved by The Studio, must be removed immediately following the event.

    Entire Understanding: This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the matters set forth herein. Any previous or supplementary representations or agreement, related to the subject matter of this Agreement, is therefore null and void.

    Good Faith: The parties agree to act reasonably and in good faith in the carrying out of the terms of this Agreement.

    Hold-harmless Agreement: The Customer shall indemnify The Studio and all of its servants, agents, employees, contractors and persons for whom The Studio is in law responsible and shall hold each of them harmless from and against any and all liabilities, claims, damages, losses and expenses, due to, arising from or to the extent contributed to by the Customer’s act or omission.

    Liability Waiver: The Studio shall not be liable to the Customer for any bodily injury or damage to the Customer or property or that of his invitees or licensees however caused including, without limitation, resulting from the acts or omissions of Company's employees or agents, or persons leasing space or services from Company or other persons occupying any part of the Premises or for any failure of services provided such as electricity, water or gas or for any injury or damage to property or persons caused by any person or by Company's failure to repair. The Studio shall not be liable or responsible in any way for any loss or damage, injury or death to any person or property caused by any other licensee or occupant of the Premises or by the public. All property kept or stored in or about the Premises shall be at the sole risk of the Customer and the Customer shall indemnify The Studio and hold it harmless in respect of the same. Without in any way limiting or affecting the generality or interpretation of the foregoing provision, it is agreed that The Studio shall in no event be liable for any indirect or consequential damage suffered by the Customer. The Customer hereby releases The Studio, its servants, agents, employees, officers, directors, contractors, and those for whom The Studio is in law responsible from all losses, damages and claims of any kind related to the Premises or Facilities or any items stored in or on the Premises or Facilities.

    Premises and Facilities: The Studio hereby agrees to lease the mentioned studio space to the Customer and the Customer hereby agrees to rent the Rental Space from The Studio, for the Term (as described below), and subject to the conditions and covenants hereinafter set forth, the Rental Spaces described on the booking page and located at 383 Main Street, Stonewall, Manitoba.

    Rent: The Customer agrees to pay full rent as per the rates schedule including all furniture in the gallery (as listed on the website as of the day of signing the contract). Any additional furniture and studio equipment requested is deemed extra and rated as per schedule. Rental Space cannot be confirmed until full payment is received.

    Customer shall provide the Studio with his or her valid driver’s license or valid government issued ID, for example passport, and a valid credit card acceptable to The Studio, which Customer authorizes the Studio to charge against any damage may incur arising out of the Customer’s use of the equipment or Premises and Facilities under this agreement.

    Restrictions on Use of Premises and Facilities: The use of the Premises and Facilities shall be limited to the Customer, the event shall not exceed the building’s maximum capacity as determined by the authority.

    The parties to this agreement agree that the Premises and Facilities shall be used as legitimate business premises and for no other purpose and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations appended to this agreement or otherwise approved by The Studio from time to time.

    The Customer may not make any replacements, changes, additions, improvements or alterations to the Premises without the Studio’s prior written consent.

    The Customer shall not use the units for the purposes of storing, manufacturing, or selling any explosives, flammables, or other inherently dangerous substance, chemical, or anything that would be deemed abnormal or unusual to a Studio.

    The Customer shall not sublease all or any part of the space or assign this agreement in whole or in part without the Studio's effective written consent.

    The Customer hereby accepts the Premises and Facilities in its existing condition and agrees that The Studio shall not be required to perform any work in, on or to the Premises or Facilities. The Customer covenants with The Studio that it will not allow any refuse, garbage or any loose, objectionable material to accumulate in, on the Premises and Facilities and will at all times keep the Premises and Facilities in a clean and neat condition. The Customer hereby agrees to be responsible for and perform all obligations and pay all costs whatsoever in respect of the Customer’s business conducted in or on the Premises.

    The Customer covenants with the Studio that it will not make, which consent may be unreasonably or arbitrarily withheld in the Studio’s sole discretion. The Customer shall comply, at its sole cost, with all applicable laws and by-laws of any municipal, provincial or federal government respecting the use, condition and occupation of the Premises.

    Severability: If any provision, or portion thereof, of this Agreement is declared invalid by a court or is unenforceable under any applicable statute or law, it is to that extent to be deemed omitted and the remaining provisions or parts thereof shall be and remain in full force and effect.

    Term: The term of this agreement (the “Term”) shall be for a period beginning on the earliest of the selected dates and times and ending on the latest of the selected dates and times. The Customer will vacate the Premises, returning it to the Studio free of alterations, fixtures, furnishings or any other property of or under the control of the Customer at the expiry or earlier termination of the Term. For clarification, the Customer shall return the Premises to the Studio in the same condition than the Customer received possession of the Premises from the Studio; at its cost, repair any damage that it causes to the Premises or is caused in connection with the Customer’s use of the Premises; and leave the Premises in a neat and clean condition.

    Termination Right: The Studio shall have full rights to terminate this Agreement without notice Agreement and to obtain damages from the Customer if any of the following shall occur:

    the Customer is in default of any payment obligation hereunder;

    the Customer fails to perform any other obligations;

    any willful or negligent damage to the Premises or Facilities caused by the Customer or by persons permitted to be in the Premises or Facilities by the Customer; or

    termination by The Studio is permitted under any provisions of this Agreement or at law.

  • Updated COVID-19 Effective 2023

    As mask requirements are removed, it is important to note that anyone can continue to wear a mask based on their individual risk and personal preference.

    If anyone who has symptoms such as a fever, a cough or shortness of breath, a sore throat, loss of taste or smell, please evaluate and take necessary caution before entering The Studio.

    The Customer must follow all Manitoba Health guidelines as much as possible and limit their exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.

    The Customer releases and agrees to hold The Studio harmless from, and waive on behalf of themselves and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to the Customer and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the studio, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from The Studio. The Customer understands that the Terms and Conditions discharges The Studio. from any liability or claim that the Customer, their guests or any personal representatives may have against the studio with respect to Coronavirus/COVID-19.

  • Our Studio Membership is perfect for the creative who is going to be using our space multiple times in a month. Here is what’s included:
    - 10 studio hours to use during a 30 day period
    - Additional hours billed at 20% off regular hourly rate of $75/hr +gst
    - A premium website listing under our “Members” category.
    - A 1 hour studio orientation
